Transformers fall of cybertron cosmetic mod
Transformers fall of cybertron cosmetic mod

1.15 Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe.1.5 Dreamwave Generation One continuity.1.1.4 Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic.1.1.2 The Transformers public service announcements.

transformers fall of cybertron cosmetic mod

Grimlock isn't much of a fan, " Makin' Tracks!" Often he simply cruises the metro area, looking for a good scene that he can make even better. He should be a dangerous opponent, but his concern with preserving his stylish appearance and poor ability to work with fellow Autobots hampers him. Since nothing besides himself is worth looking at, you're welcome! His blinding black beam gun casts everything around him into darkness. Whether defending San Francisco or displaying his trademark moves in Dancitron, Tracks always makes sure to be the center of attention. Not to mention his flight mode, which lets everybody ooh and aah over his elegant curves and paintjob as he glides about looking down on them all.

transformers fall of cybertron cosmetic mod

But surely they're just jealous, since no one else turns into a sports car as stunningly stylish as he does. Tracks is a total narcissist, according to his Autobot buddies. If God had wanted Tracks to multiply, he would have given him the Creation Matrix and luscious lips.

Transformers fall of cybertron cosmetic mod